Friday, 24 May 2013

Eating Poison Everyday: GMO 1-7

Eating Poison Everyday: GMO 1  
Genetically modified food has another name, it is called the Franken Food.
What is GMO?
GMO stands for “Genetic Modified Organism”.
Not just between the same species, but also between human, animals & plants, randomly assembling genes from unrelated species --- using viruses, antibiotic resistance genes & bacteria to be the agent, indicator & initiator --- forever changing the original genetic codes.
The usual method is:  Extracting a gene segment that contains specific function from a species, inserting it into another species.
This is not only causing damage & chaos to the sequence & structure of DNA of the original species, gene mutation could also happen, causing consequences that are out of control.
Examples of Genetically Modified Foods
1)  “Pesticide-tolerant” soybean invented for spraying generous amount of pesticides.
2)   Corn produces “pesticide” itself.
GMO Ingredients Have Already Invaded
Take the United States for examples, 88% of corns, 94% of soybeans grown are GMOs.
Even though you are not staying in the U.S., the GMO ingredients have already invaded your home through processed food & meat products.
If not certified organic, the following foods most likely contain GMOs:
Meat, fish, dairy products, eggs, cookies, pastries, breakfast cereal, corn, corn oil, corn starch, corn syrup, fructose, glucose, aspartame, soybean, soybean powder, lecithin, isoflavone, soy protein isolate, tofu, tempeh, soybean paste, soy sauce, vegetable oil, cottonseed oil, rapeseed (canola) oil, xanthan gum, baking powder, MSG, vitamin B12, vitamin E………
Monsanto’s Two GM Crops
GM crops are usually related to the use of pesticides.
RoundUp ( a highly toxic herbicide ) is the signature product of pesticides manufacturer Monsanto.
Monsanto had also invented the following 2 main categories of GM crops:
1) “RoundUp-tolerant” crops  ( such as RR Soybean )
Can spray RoundUp generously, surrounding weeds are killed, but these soybeans aren’t.
These soybeans carry lots of RoundUp residues, and weeds have also developed resistance, therefore more RoundUp needed to be sprayed.
2)  Crops can produce “pesticides” themselves  ( such as  BT Corn )
Bugs ( including the good ones ) will die if they eat any part of this corn.
Monsanto, RoundUp & GMOs
Transgenic Foods
* Compiled & Written:    Hui-Zhi  ( U-turn of Creation )    originally released on 2013.3.23
* Useful Websites:    
Eating Poison Everyday: GMO 2
The original & pure seeds are becoming extinct.
In the beginning, there are great varieties of crops.
In the United States, 97% of the varieties of vegetables grown at the beginning of the 20th century are now extinct.
Today, large fields are planted with only one variety of crop ( which is usually one of those popular commercial crops, such as corn & soybean ). Mono crop planting has led to the increase of insects & diseases.
When there are more insects & disease, farmers are forced to use more pesticides, but when more pesticides are being used, weeds, insects & diseases developed resistance, thus more pesticides needed to be sprayed…
This is a “business opportunity” for pesticides manufacturers, such as Monsanto.
Controlling the Seeds
Whoever controls the seeds controls the food.
From 1995 to 2005, pesticides & bio-engineering corporation Monsanto bought 50 over seeds companies around the world, so that they can use their genetically modified seeds to replace all the other seeds.
About 88% of the corns & 94% of the soybean grown in the United States are genetically modified ones.
They are All Linked Together
Mono crops, pesticides, GM seeds, monopolization......they are all linked together.
Corn, Soybean, Rape ( Canola ), Cotton & Beetroot are the 5 main types of mono & GM crops in the United States.
Do you know how the food enterprises use the mono crops to monopolize the food market?
Please watch:
90% Processed Food Items Contain Corn or Soybean – extraction from Food Inc.
* Compiled & Written:    Hui-Zhi  ( U-turn of Creation )    originally released on 2013.3.30
Eating Poison Everyday: GMO 3
The American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM) urged physicians to advise all patients to avoid genetically modified (GM) food.
Scientists warned that GM food is related to infertility, accelerated aging, allergy, toxicosis, immune problems, faulty insulin regulation, changes in major organs & the gastrointestinal system……
Processed food products contained GMO ingredients were brought into the U.K. market in 1999. A year later, number of people allergic to soybean has a huge increase of 50%.
At least 70% of the processed food products and most of the animal feed contain GM crops.
Pesticide manufacturer Monsanto provides approximately 90% of the GMO seeds in the world.
Two Most Common Types of GM Crops:
1)  Can tolerate the spraying of herbicide RoundUp  ( such as RR Soybean )
Herbicide RoundUp is the number one product of Monsanto.
RoundUp is capable of damaging DNA within a human cell even when diluted down to 450-fold lower concentrations. 
The major ingredient of RoundUp is Glyphosate which carry carcinogenicity, genotoxicity & endocrine disruptive actions.
And another ingredient of RoundUp, Polyoxyethyleneamine will “facilitate” cells’ absorption of Glyphosate, thus significantly increases Roundup's toxicosis in humans.
Roundup is linked to the following:  Liver cancer, skin cancer, Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma, meningitis, kidney damage, male reproduction system damage, low testosterone, infertility, imbalanced hormones in children, DNA damage, endocrine disruption, uranium poisoning……
2)  Can produce pesticide itself  ( such as BT Corn )
BT Corn was registered as a type of “pesticide” !
The cells of BT Corn’s contain BT toxin ( Bacillus Thuringiensis ), which will kill all insects ( good or bad ones ) that eat the corn by splitting open their digestive system with the poison.
Animals ( labs & farms ) that ate Bt. Corn experienced the following results:  Death, liver & kidney toxicity, blood pressure problems, high blood sugar, anemia, allergies, infections, infertility, prolapsed uterus, premature deliveries, off-springs died after born, or off-springs were smaller in size……
German TV – GM Soy in Animal Feed

* Compiled & Written:    Hui-Zhi  ( U-turn of Creation )    originally released on 2013.4.6
Eating Poison Everyday: GMO 4
Genetically modified crops had caused farmers to be in debt, and the suicide rates to skyrocket.
1999, Monsanto bought Mahyco, the largest seed company in India. 2 years later, India government approved Monsanto’s genetically modified BT Cotton to come into the market.
Even if the farmers wanted to buy the conventional cotton seeds, it’s not available in the market --- because Monsanto had controlled almost all the cotton seed market in India. Farmers were forced to pay price 4 times higher than the conventional seeds to buy GM seeds, and they had to borrow usury in order to afford GM seeds.
Monsanto’s advertisement claimed that BT Cotton can reduce 7 times of the amount of pesticides use, and increase 3 times of the amount of cotton harvest, but actually it was completely failed, BT Cotton still needed to be sprayed pesticides in order to kill Bollworms.
2006, BT Cotton was attacked by a rare infection & damage by the Rhizoctonia, the harvest were all ruined. India agronomists said there might be bad interaction happening between cotton & BT gene, thus weakened the plants immunity toward Rhizoctonia.
Because of poor harvest of BT Cotton, many farmers committed suicide because of debts; the area of Vidarbha was having 3 farmers’ suicidal cases each day on the average.
The World According to Monsanto – extraction
Other Damages
Lots of livestock fell sick & died because of grazing on the BT Cotton.
Monsanto’s Roundup triggers over 40 types of plant diseases; as Roundup use rises, plant disease skyrockets.
Weed & pest develop resistance and turn into hard-to-kill “Super Weed” & “Super Pest”.
RoundUp’s toxin stays in the soil  :  One of its ingredients, Glyphosate, degraded only 50% after 22 years.
* Compiled & Written:    Hui-Zhi  ( U-turn of Creation )    originally released on 2013.4.13
* Useful Websites:
Eating Poison Everyday: GMO 5
The contamination caused by the genetically modified seeds is the nightmare for the farmers, and also the calamity for the global food system.
Contamination of Gene
The pollens of GM crops contaminate the organic or conventional crops nearby through agents such as wind, rain, birds, bees & insects.
In rural area of Mexico, even the corn types that are considered as national treasure in terms of varieties & purity, also contaminated by the GM corn in America.
Absurd accuse
The pollens of Monsanto’s GM crops flew to others’ field, contaminated others’ pure seeds, but they turned around and accuse others of infringing upon the patent of their GM seed.
Monsanto hired a group of “Gene Police”, took sample from others’ field without permission, then sent letter to the farmers whom crops were contaminated, accused them of infringing upon Monsanto’s seed patent right, and demanded the farmers to pay compensation.
Ban on Saving Seeds
In the past, farmers usually would save up a batch of seeds for next season’s planting.
But Monsanto’s “Seed Patent Right” banned the farmers from saving their GM seeds, forced the farmers to always have to buy a new batch of seeds.
“Terminator” Seed
If Seed Patent Right can no longer effectively stop the farmers from saving the seeds, Monsanto might be using the next weapon --- the “Terminator” genetically modified seed.
 “Terminator” GM seed is also called as the “Sterile Seed“, Which is using the Genetic Use Restriction Technology ( GURTS ).
This “Terminator” GM seed will create toxin to kill its own embryo --- its plant can only bear fruits once, but its new seeds cannot be planted again.
Thus every time after harvest, the farmers must buy a new batch of seeds, while the GM seed Company may raise up the price of the seeds.
The bigger crisis is:  If this “Terminator” GM seed contaminated other seeds, will it cause other seeds to be “sterile” too ?

* Compiled & Written:    Hui-Zhi  ( U-turn of Creation )    originally released on 2013.4.20
Eating Poison Everyday: GMO 6
The Label War --- The big battle between the facts & the lies.
The “Right-to-Know” Is Taken Away
If the label tells you there is poison in a food product, yet you still want to eat it, then that is your choice.
But if there is poison in a food product, but the manufacturer would not let you know, then you are consuming it unknowingly.
This is taking away “the right-to-know” from the consumers.
Trying Hard to Hide the Facts from Consumers
Bribed, threatened, controlled, accused, modified test reports, manipulated politic & laws, lie……
A few higher position employees & attorney from Monsanto were later working in some governmental sectors, such as the FDA ( U.S. Food & Drug Administration ), making regulations & decisions in favor of Monsanto.
Monsanto & a few other biotech/pesticides corporations had spent about 46 millions U.S. dollars opposing the law making of “GMO labeling” --- Why were they spending so much money trying to hide the facts from the consumers?
Anti-GMO Actions around the World
The consumers are no longer ignorantly cheated & manipulated.
United States
The Organic Consumers Association ( OCA ) & other NGOs initiated “Millions against Monsanto” Campaign.
In April of 2013, Senator Barbara Boxer & Congressman Pete DeFazio introduced the “Genetically Engineered Food Right-to-Know” Act, which was supported by 9 persons in the senate, 22 persons in the house, & the mass public.
Whole Food ( large natural food supermarket chains ) announced: By 2018 they would require “labeling of genetically engineered foods” for products sold in their store that were “non-organic” or “not verified by the Non-GMO Project”.
In 2012, the sales of food products labeled as “GMO free” is the fastest growing ones among the natural & health food category.
The court of Minnesota ruled that organic farmers can sue GMO farmers whose pesticides or GM crops trespass and contaminate their fields.
Some towns & cities require the foods served at hospitals & schools to contain no GM ingredients; Hypermarkets such as Carrefour & Tesco in many countries publicly announced that they would not sell GM food products.
At least 8 countries ban the cultivation of GM crops, they are Austria, French, Germany, Hungary, Luxemburg, Greece, Bulgaria, Poland.
In April of 1998, more than 2 millions people signed against GM food products, and asked the government to make labeling law. Therefore in April of 2001, the government implemented the GM food labeling law; food contained more than 5% of GM ingredients must be labeled as “GM Food Product”.
NGOs had conducted educational & advocacy activities among the public, they asked the schools lunch project to reject GM foods, and they opposed the national study & produce of GM crops. 
The volunteers of NGOs collected samples at roads & farms; When discovered GM crop growing there, they would announced it publicly by marking it on the map. They also promoted the “Non-GM Agricultural Area”.
In 2004, consumer representatives brought signatures of 414 organizations & 7 companies and went to the U.S. to persuade them to ban the cultivation of GM wheat, otherwise they will try to stop the import of wheat from the U.S. & Canada. In 2008, alliance of more than 80 consumer groups, together with farmer groups & 300 citizens went to Australia to persuade them to ban the cultivation of GM Canola ( Rape ).
Note:   In the past, Japan used to buy Canola from Canada, but after Canada started to grow GM crops, Japan turned to buy from Australia, but later some areas in Australia also started to grow GM Canola. 
* Compiled & Written:    Hui-Zhi  ( U-turn of Creation )    originally released on 2013.5.11
* Useful Websites:   Millions Against Monsanto   Consumers Oppose GMO
Eating Poison Everyday: GMO 7
Even the cow would not want to eat GM corns.
If you put two bowls of corns in front of a cow, one is the regular corns, the other one is the GM corns. The cow takes a smell at the GM corns, then it turns his head and go to the regular corns and eat.
--- If other option is available, even the animals would not want to eat the dangerous GM food!
--- We are not without options.
How to choose?
Currently most countries have not set up the “GM food” labeling law yet, so most of the manufacturers would not tell you that their foods contain GM ingredients in their food labels.
Soybean, Corn, Rape (Canola), Cotton & Beetroot are the 5 most common types of GM crops. ( note: There are other types of GM crops as well ).
Most processed food products & meat products contain GM ingredients --- because corn & soybean are the ingredients of 90% of the processed food, and also the animal feed. ( Note: The names of most of the GM ingredients do not carry the word “corn” or “soybean”)
Most canola oil or rapeseed oil, vegetable oil & corn oil are made from GM crops.
Sugar made from sugar beet is most likely to contain GMO.
Even the synthetic vitamins & health supplements also contain GM ingredients such as Aspartame.
The simplest way to discern & select: Buy the “certified organic” food products, or buy the food products with the “Non GMO” seal verified by the “Non GMO Project”.
* Compiled & Written:    Hui-Zhi  ( U-turn of Creation )    originally released on 2013.6.13
* Useful Websites:
* Resources:  1)  Organic Consumers Association   
   2)  Natural News   
   3)  Institute for Responsible Technology   
   4)  GM Watch
   5)  Green Peace
   6)  Consumers Association of Penang
                            7)  Taiwan Homemaker's Union & Foundation

天天都在吃毒: 基因改造篇 1-7

天天都在吃毒: 基因改造篇 1
基因改造的食物有一个别名,叫作:  “ 科学怪物 食品。
GMO 的全名是 Genetic Modified Organism 基因改造生物体。
不但在同物种之间,也在人类、动物和植物之间,随意组合不相关物种的基因  ---  利用病毒具抗生素抗性的基因细菌,作为媒介、标志和启动因子  ---  永远的改变原本的基因码。
通常的做法是:   提取某生物具有特殊功能的基因片断,加入到另一生物当中。
这不但会造成原物种 DNA 排序结构损害和混乱,也可能产生基因突变,造成無法收拾的後果。
1)  为了可以尽量喷洒农药而设计的“耐农药”黄豆(大豆)
2)  可自身制造“杀虫剂”的玉米。
以美国为例,88% 玉米94% 黄豆,都是 GMO 品种。
即使你不住在美国,这些 GMO 成份已经透过加工食品肉类入侵你家。
除非是验证有机的,否则以下这些食品或材料大有可能含 GMO 成份:
肉类,鱼,奶制品,鸡蛋,饼干,糕点,早餐谷片,玉米,玉米油,玉米淀粉,玉米糖浆,果糖,葡萄糖,阿斯巴甜,黄豆,黄豆粉,卵磷脂,异黄酮,黄豆分离蛋白,豆腐,豆豉,豆酱,酱油,植物油,棉籽油,菜籽油( 芥花籽油 Canola oil ),黄原胶,发酵粉,味精,维生素B12,维生素E ………
RoundUp 是一种剧毒灭草剂 ,是农药公司 Monsanto 的招牌产品。
Monsanto 也设计了以下两大类的基因改造农作物:
1 RoundUp 喷洒的农作物 例如 RR 黄豆
可以尽量喷洒 RoundUp,周围野草被杀死,但此黄豆却不会被杀死。
此黄豆带有大量 RoundUp 残留,而野草也产生了抗药性,结果要喷更多 RoundUp
2 可自身制造杀虫剂的农作物 例如 BT 玉米
昆虫 包括益虫 吃了这种玉米的任何部份,就会倒毙。
Monsanto, RoundUp & GMOs
Transgenic Foods  转基因食品
整理撰写:    慧治( U-turn of Creation   原先于 2013.3.23 发布
天天都在吃毒: 基因改造篇 2
在美国, 20 世纪初期种植的蔬菜,有 97% 的品种现在已经绝种。
今天,大农田只种植一种农作物 通常是那种畅销的商业农作物,像玉米和黄豆 。这种单一农作物的耕种法使害虫和疾病增加
Monsanto 这些农药公司来说,这是一个“商机”。
1995 2005 年,农药和生技公司 Monsanto 在全世界收购了 50 多家种子公司,好让他们的基因改造种子可以取代其他所有的种子。
美国种植的玉米大约 88% 是基因改造品种,黄豆大约 94% 是基因改造品种。
单一农作物农药基因改造种子垄断…… 全都有关联。
玉米黄豆(大豆油菜Canola棉花甜菜根  ---  是美国 5 大种“单一”和“基改”农作物:  
90% 加工食品含玉米或黄豆Food Inc.食品企业公司之片段(附中文字幕)
整理撰写:    慧治( U-turn of Creation   原先于 2013.3.30 发布
天天都在吃毒: 基因改造篇 3
American Academy of Environmental Medicine AAEM 呼吁医生们劝告所有病人避开基因改造的食物
含基因改造成分的食品于 1999 年进入英国市场;一年后,对黄豆过敏的人飙升了 50%
至少 70% 加工食品,及大部分动物饲料,都含基因改造农作物。
地球上大约 90% 的基因改造种子都是 Monsanto 农药公司提供的。
1 RoundUp 除草剂喷洒的 例如 RR 黄豆
RoundUp 除草剂是 Monsanto 的头号商品。
即使稀释了 450 RoundUp 还是会破坏人体细胞的 DNA  !
RoundUp 的主要成分是含致癌性基因毒性干扰内分泌 Glyphosate
RoundUp 里的另一种成份 Polyoxyethyleneamine 会“促进”细胞对 Glyphosate 及其他化学成份的“吸收”,因此大大增加 RoundUp 对人体的毒害。
RoundUp 和以下有关联:   肝癌、皮肤癌、非霍奇金淋巴瘤、脑膜炎、肾脏破坏、男性生殖系统受损、低睾丸素、不育、孩童荷尔蒙失衡、DNA 破坏、内分泌失调、铀中毒……
2 自身制造杀虫剂 例如 BT 玉米
BT 玉米被注册为“农药”类
BT 玉米的细胞含 BT 毒素 Bacillus Thuringiensis ,会杀死所有吃玉米的昆虫,用毒素使它们的消化系统裂开。
吃了 BT 玉米的动物 实验室和农田的 有以下后果:   死亡、肝和肾中毒、血压问题、高血糖、贫血、过敏、感染、不育、子宫下垂、早产、生下来的孩子夭折、或孩子体积变小……
德国电视台- 基改食物的危害
整理撰写:    慧治( U-turn of Creation   原先于 2013.4.6 发布
天天都在吃毒: 基因改造篇 4
1999年,Monsanto 收购了印度最大的种子公司 Mahyco年后,印度政府批准 Monsanto 的基因改造 BT 棉花上市。
就算农夫想买传统的棉花种子,市场上也买不到  ---  因为 Monsanto 控制了几乎整个印度的棉花种子市场;农夫被迫以高于传统种子 的价格购买基因改造种子,必须借高利贷才买得起。
Monsanto 的广告说 BT 棉花可以减少 倍杀虫剂的用量、提高 倍棉花的产量,实际上却是彻底失败, BT 棉花还是必须喷药才能消灭棉铃虫。
2006 年,BT 棉花受到了前所未有的丝核菌感染和破坏,收成全毁;印度农学家说棉花和 BT 基因之间可能发生了一些不好的交互作用,使植株对丝核菌的抵抗力变弱

因为 BT 棉收成不好,农夫纷纷因债务自杀 Vidarbha 地区平均每天发生 件农夫自杀案,自 2005 年引进 BT 棉花后便是如此。
孟山都的基因改造世界The World According to Monsanto片段(附中文字幕)

大批牲畜因误食 BT 棉花而生病死亡。
Monsanto 的 RoundUp 灭草剂引发超过 40 的植物疾病; RoundUp 用越多,植物疾病越飙升。
RoundUp 留在土壤的毒素 :  成份之一的 Glyphosate 在 22 年后才分解掉一半。

整理撰写:    慧治( U-turn of Creation   原先于 2013.4.13发布
天天都在吃毒: 基因改造篇 5
基因改造农作物的花粉,透过风、雨、鸟、蜂和虫等等传粉媒介,污染了附近的有机或一般的农作物的 DNA
Monsanto 的基因改造农作物的花粉飞到别人的田地,污染了人家的纯净种子,反而控告别人侵犯其基改种子的专利权!
Monsanto  聘请了一批“基因警察”,私自去到人家田地搜取植物样本,然后发信给农作物“遭污染”的农民,控告农民侵犯专利权,要求他们支付赔偿金。
但是 Monsanto “种子专利权”禁止农夫保留其基改种子,迫使农夫们每次都必须跟他们购买新一批的种子。
如果“种子专利权”不再能有效的阻止农民保留种子,Monsanto 很可能就会采用下一个控制的武器  --- “终结者” 基因改造种子( Terminator seed
 “终结者”基改种子,也称为“不育”基改种子,使用的是 Genetic Use Restriction Technology GURTS )。
这种“终结者” 基改种子,会制造毒素将自己的胚芽杀死  ---  所种出来的植物,只能结一次果子,新种子却不能再用来种植。
整理撰写:    慧治( U-turn of Creation   原先于 2013.4.20发布
天天都在吃毒: 基因改造篇 6
标签的战争 --- 真相虚谎之间的大决斗。
--- 这就是消费者“知情权”被剥夺
Monsanto 的一些高层职员和律师渗透进美国 FDA 食品及药物管理局 等等政府单位就职,设立对 Monsanto 有好处的条规和决定。
Monsanto 和其他几家生技农药企业花了约美金 千 百万来阻止 “食品标签标示基因改造”条规的设立 --- 他们为何要花这么多钱来隐瞒消费者?
有机消费者协会(OCA )与其他民间团体发动“百万人反 Monsanto运动。
2013 年 月,参议员 Barbara Boxer  和国会议员  Pete DeFazio  提出“对基改食物的知情权”的法令,获得参议院 人、下议院  22 人、及大量公众支持。
大型天然食品连锁超市 Whole Food  宣布在 2018年 之前,规定店里所有“非有机”或“未被 Non-GMO Project 验证无GMO”的食品,标签上要有“含GMO”标示
2012 年,标示“无 GMO”的食品之销量在健康食品类当中是成长最快的。
明尼苏打州法庭下令“有机农民”的农田被 “基改农民”的农药或基改作物越界和污染时,前者有权控告后者。
至少 个国家禁止种植基改作物奥地利、法国、德国、匈牙利、卢森堡、希腊、保加利亚、波兰。
1998 4 月,超过 2 百万人民签名反基改食品,并要求政府建立标示制度;因此政府於 2001 4 月推动基改食品标示法,凡食品使用 5% 以上基改原料,必须标示為“基改食品”。
2004 年,消费者代表拿着 414 个组织与公司的签署,到美国劝说不要允许种植基改小麦,否则会想办法阻止美加小麦的进口;2008 年超过 80 个消费者团体组成联盟,与农民团体及 300 位国民一同去要求澳洲禁止种基改油菜

整理撰写:    慧治( U-turn of Creation   原先于 2013.5.11发布
好用网站:   Millions Against Monsanto  消费者反对基改食品
天天都在吃毒: 基因改造篇 7
如果你放两盆玉米在一头牛跟前,一盆是普通玉米,另一盆是基改玉米, 牛在基改玉米前闻一闻,然后掉头跑去那盆普通玉米吃了起来。
--- 若有得选择,连牲畜都会避开危险的基改食物!
--- 我们不是没有选择的。
黄豆,玉米,油菜(Canola),棉花,甜菜根  5 种最普遍的“基改”农作物 注:基改作物不止这 5
很多加工食品肉制品都有基改成份 --- 因为玉米和黄豆是 90% 加工食品的原料,也是牲畜的粮食 注:很多基改原料的“名称”是找不到“玉米”或“黄豆”二字的
菜籽油或芥花籽油Canola oil,玉米油及蔬菜油,多数含基改成份。
甜菜根Beet root制成的糖也很可能含基改成份。      
甚至连合成维他命保健品也可能含基改原料,例如 “阿斯巴甜” Aspartame
最简单的辨识法“验证有机”的食品,或买有“Non GMO Project” 验证“无基改成份”的盖章。
整理撰写:    慧治( U-turn of Creation   原先于 2013.6.13发布
参考来源:    1)  Organic Consumers Association   
2)  Natural News   
3)  Institute for Responsible Technology   
4)  GM Watch
5)  Green Peace
6)  CAP 槟城消费者协会 
                          7)  台湾主妇联盟环境保护基金


天天都在吃毒:  农药篇 1-4
天天都在吃毒:  綜览篇 1-4