Tuesday 29 October 2013

Eating Poison Everyday: Fast Food 1-6

Eating Poison Everyday: Fast Food 1

In the 1930’s a new form of restaurant arose, it’s called the “drive-in” .

--- The food was served to people while they were sitting in the car.

--- That’s the birth of the “Fast Food” era.

But it’s also the beginning of:
- Monopolization & controlling by a few large food empires & meat industries.
- Factory system into the food production ( massive & speedy production )
- Mono-crop planting in farms.
- Nightmares of innumerous cows & chickens ( raised & slaughtered cruelly )
- Food poisoning caused by contamination during speedy meat production process.
- Adults & children’s addiction to junk food.
- Increase numbers of obesity, heart diseases, diabetes……

--- This is a food system that the whole society is paying a “huge price” for.

McDonald's & Meat Industry - extraction from Food, Inc

* Compiled & Written:    Hui-Zhi  ( U-turn of Creation )    originally released on 2013.9.5
Eating Poison Everyday: Fast Food 2

Have you heard about the “E. coli”?

This type of bacteria that can cause serious food poisoning, could be found in the beef burger you eat.

Cows were born to eat grass, but the meat industries feed their cows with corn, in order to promote speedy growing.
Cows fed with grass have Ph-neutral stomachs, but a corn diet dangerously raises the acid level in the cow’s stomach, and increases enormously the risk of infecting with E. coli.
In some of the cattle industries, over-crowded cows are standing in ankle-deep manure. If one cow has E. coli, the others will get it.
And during the “high speed” slaughtering & handling process, the risk of beef contaminated by E. coli is also high.
Instead of solving the problem from the very beginning, the meat industries use Ammonia to kill E. coli in the hamburger meat filler……

Where Your Beef Burger Comes From - extraction from Food, Inc

* Compiled & Written:    Hui-Zhi  ( U-turn of Creation )    originally released on 2013.10.9
Eating Poison Everyday: Fast Food 3

In 2001, two and a half year old Kelvin ate a hamburger contaminated with E. coli, which caused him to be stricken by “Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome”, he died in twelve days --- Kelvin’s case was only one of the many.

The hamburger meat produced in the factory came from meat mixture of over thousand of cows; when one cow is infected with E. coli, chances of whole batch of beef being contaminated are high.
Kelvin’s parent hired attorney and took almost three years to find out which batch of meat they had eaten, however, the food industry refused to apology.
Those governmental departments that were supposed to oversee the food products and protect the consumers, were controlled by the food industries instead……

Resource: Food, Inc

Unintended Consequences – extraction from Food, Inc

* Compiled & Written:    Hui-Zhi  ( U-turn of Creation )    originally released on 2013.10.21
Eating Poison Everyday: Fast Food 4
Do you know that fast food affects children’s intelligence?
University of London had conducted a research that involved 4,000 children, and the results obtained are more than overwhelming.
Children who ate mostly fast food had an average IQ lower than those children who ate mostly fresh and traditionally prepared foods.
The idea that fatty foods in general hurt brain development has actually been tested and proven in the US and Australia as well.
Eating Junkfood Affects IQ – Public TV, Taiwan
* Compiled & Written:    Hui-Zhi  ( U-turn of Creation )    originally released on 2013.11.25
Eating Poison Everyday: Fast Food 5
As the fast food industry is on the rise, the numbers of obese people are also increasing.
This is not just a phenomenon in the western countries; In Hong Kong, 1 out of 4 children is obese.
The 18, 19 years old are diagnosed with high blood pressure, diabetes cases were found in people 20 years younger.
United States spent as much as $14,300,000,000 annually in the medical expenses for the obese children.
If this “obesity” crisis were to continue, our younger generation might live a shorter life span than their parents --- Dying from the illnesses related to obesity……
US Government Fights Obesity Crisis Among Children – Voice of America  (Chinese)
Australia Required KFC & McDonald’s to Pay “Obesity Tax”  Evergreen TV  (Chinese)
Obesity:  Fast Food, Young Victim  (English) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Lh6SWUqWOc
* Compiled & Written:    Hui-Zhi  ( U-turn of Creation )    originally released on 2013.12.4
Eating Poison Everyday: Fast Food 6
Businesses all around the world are having their eyes on the children & youths, using them as a tool to “nag” their parents to spend money.
Children in the United States spend about $800,000,000 every year, while the youths spend about $1,600,000,000.
Fast food & other junk food corporations use “advertisements” as traps, in order to lure the children & youths to be addicted to their food products.
The fast food corporations also use the “toys” as baits, in order to attract the children to nag their parents for kid’s fast food such as Happy Meal, so they can collect those cartoon characters.
Most of those colourful toys are made from toxic plastic, after disposed will generate large amount of “plastic trash”.
Fast Food Advertisements, Obesity in Children (Chinese) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3gRz9xncR90
Advertising to Children (English) --- A “must watch” for parents
* Compiled & Written:    Hui-Zhi  ( U-turn of Creation )    originally released on 2013.12.30

Previous Series

Eating Poison Everyday: Fake Food 1-3
Eating Poison Everyday: GMO 1-7
Eating Poison Everyday: Pesticides 1-4
Eating Poison Everyday: Overview 1-4